Control Your Facebook Business Manager: Agency Tips for Success!



When it comes to advertising on Facebook, it’s important to have a full understanding of who has access to your Facebook business manager. Your business manager is the place where all of your paid ads live, as well as other essential advertising assets. Setting up your business manager correctly is a crucial part of running paid ads on Facebook. But, our FB ad agency knows it can be difficult to keep track of who created the business manager and who now has access. In this blog, we will explore why this matters and what steps you can take to ensure your Facebook business manager follows best practices and is advertising-ready.

Why Do Facebook Business Managers Matter for Ads?

Facebook business managers house all the paid ads that we run on the platform. They keep all your ad accounts, pixels, and pages together.  Without one, running ads would not be possible. As Hootsuite writes, “If your brand or business uses Facebook, you should be using Facebook Business Manager.”

Furthermore, when you or an employee set up your company’s Facebook, it is important to grant the right people permission to edit, change, and run the business manager. You can easily invite people to the business manager and give them the necessary access. 

You can find the spot to invite new employees to your business manager by logging into 

  1. From there, click on your business page
  2. Once you are on the correct business page, navigate to Users > People
  3. From here, you can click the blue “Add” button 
  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to add. This will be the email address associated with their Facebook page
  5. After you click “Next,” either give the person partial access or full control, depending on what you want them to have access to.

Once you get your business manager taken care of, then you can take the next steps available for advertising on Facebook

Primary tip:  Keep track of who gets added to your business manager. And if the main people who monitor these things leave, make sure to add a current employee who can take the reins from them! We also make a point to set up all our new partner accounts under their own name – that way, all assets and audiences built on Facebook are owned by them. You’d be surprised that this is not done across all agencies! 


Given how often Meta makes updates and changes to their platforms, we know keeping track of everything on a Facebook page and Ads Manager can be very intimidating. We’ve all had years of experience troubleshooting countless issues that can arise during the process of getting accounts set up for ads. 

The above tips are just a small piece of the larger umbrella that is Facebook paid advertising. 

We want our advertising partners to take a massive sigh of relief when they hand over the reins to us because it’s our job to manage the account and their job to watch the leads and brand awareness grow!