Facebook Ad Campaign – CFCU Auto Loan & Refi Sale

See How Our Facebook Ad Campaign Generated $1,456,683 in Loan Volume in Just 4 Days!
Executive Summary:
Creighton Federal wanted to run a promotion in order to promote their loan auto rates in spring 2022. It was decided that during the sale, members could receive 1.99% APR on auto loans and non-CFCU refinancing. We created a “flash sale” that would run for just 4 days, with ads promoting the sale on Facebook. The promotion also included:
- fast approval times
- no origination, application, or closing fees
- no payments for 60 days
- and extended warranties for new and used vehicles at 20% to 50% less.
In addition to the 4-day flash sale, we also ran pre-sale ads on Facebook and sent out reminder emails to members before the sale and on the day that the sale began.
CFCU saw 46 closed loans. They ended up closing $1,456,683.58 in total auto loans! Learn more about our Facebook services!
Facebook Ad

Target Audiences:
We created 4 unique target audiences that included a mix of existing members and completely new prospects. By strategically controlling the flow of traffic, we were able to generate 20+ warm auto loan leads from these audiences.
- 4 Days Only!
- Celebrate spring with an auto loan sale
- Celebrate with low rates!
- Rates as low as (insert low rate here)
- Auto loans have never been easier!
- Mention any other perks of applying for/refinancing an auto loan through CFCU (loan-approval time, fees, loan payment schedule, etc.)
Facebook Marketing:
- Pre-Sale
- 4 Facebook ads
- 3 Prospecting
- 1 Retarget
- 4 Facebook ads
- Days of Sale
- 4 Facebook ads
- 3 Prospecting
- 1 Retarget
- 4 Facebook ads
Email Marketing:
3 email templates were created in total
- Email 1
- An email template was designed to have members sign up for a reminder the day the sale begins.
- Email 2
- An email template was designed to have non-members sign up for a reminder the day the sale begins.
- Email 3
- A third email template was designed to alert members that the sale
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