3 Facebook Marketing Agency Tips: Creating Engaging Content


With so many advertisements floating around the internet, it’s important to grab a viewer’s attention fast. How you talk about your company heavily influences the success of your online advertising. As a Facebook marketing agency, we work with clients on a daily basis to figure out how best to speak about the products or services they sell. Here are three ways to create more engaging content for your Facebook ads.

Exciting Ads = Better Brand Awareness and More!

1.Use Video

Video ads are here to stay! As a Facebook advertising agency, we’ve seen firsthand how successful video advertising can be! According to an article written by MarketingDive, “video ads drive a 48% higher sales rate than static ads.” That number is huge considering the short amount of time that businesses have to make an impact on people quickly scrolling through their Facebook feeds.

Best of all, we’ve seen solid results using both professionally shot videos and videos shot with an iPhone. So if you have a lower marketing budget, you don’t need to spend the majority of it on expensive video production.

2. Text Overlay

If you do prefer using static ads, we recommend using some kind of text overlay or visual element in addition to the main image. For example, this element could be graphic text that highlights a sale or promotion or (if brand awareness is one of your main goals) your brand’s logo.

When designing ads for our clients, we like to keep the following Facebook recommendation in mind. “Images with less than 20% text perform better, though there is no limit on the amount of text that can exist in your ad image.” The below images are examples of recent Facebook ads we designed for our own company’s marketing! For more examples of how our Facebook marketing agency has used text overlay in the past, take a look at past campaigns for our client Certified Piedmontese.

3.One Consistent Message

There are lots of different tactics you can use when writing the primary text of your ads, but in general, no matter if your ad copy is long or short, you want to be sure that you keep the ads focused on a single goal/message. This means that your ad is focused on promoting one main message. This message can be anything from a flash sale you are running to a new product you are launching on your website.

By keeping your message consistent, you are making it easier for readers to understand what you are asking them to do. Ask them to do too much or offer them too many promotions in the same ad, and they might ignore your ad altogether.