Facebook & Instagram Ads Campaign –
Certified Piedmontese

Executive Summary:
This campaign aimed to gain purchase conversions from the Certified Piedmontese website and gain reservations through their sister brands, The Mercato and Casa Bovina. Throughout the last year of this campaign, the ads generated over 400 purchases and 200 reservation clicks – with an above-average advertising score on both engagement and conversions. Additionally, the average CTR for our top-performing ads was between 4.5%-12%, well above the industry average of 2.43%.
Learn more about our Facebook & Instagram Services and read a testimonial from the client below!
Facebook & Instagram Ad Placements

Areas of Focus/Messaging:
- Low-fat and muscle building with Certified Piedmontese beef
- Products sold at The Mercato storefront
- Beef club offerings
- Free ground beef with purchases
- Free strip steaks with purchases
- Highlighting new products or seasonal products
- Grass-fed, grass-finished beef
- Free shipping on $150+
- Emphasis on holiday promos – rotating out as needed
Facebook & Instagram:
- Up to 12qty ads rotating each month – Content and imagery
- New graphics/copy created by client based on the top-performing ads and messaging
- Ads watched daily to check for ad fatigue, ad spend, and overall health of the campaign
- Placements chosen based on audience. Audiences edited based on performance
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