TLCU Financial: Google Paid Search

TLCU :: Credit Union

google display ad for local banking and eservices on orange background


TLCU Financial, a small credit union with two branches in northwest Indiana, wanted to grow local brand awareness, gain members, open new accounts and originate new loans. Through a comprehensive online marketing audit, we discovered cost-effective opportunities to grow the credit union’s brand through paid search.

credit union google search ad for online banking

Marketing Strategy

Having worked with TLCU Financial on digital marketing efforts all year, we gained valuable data that we could leverage through paid search and generate leads more efficiently. This included data on which demographics the credit union should target, their buying behaviors and their preferred communication channels—all of which helped make the paid search campaign more effective.


  • Paid Search Strategy

  • Message Qualification

  • Market Research


  • Google Paid Search

Lead generation
Web traffic
Brand awareness

Marketing Results

In less than a year on a lean ad buy budget, the campaign garnered a 10.24% click-through rate, nearly 2.5x higher than the industry average. In total, 250 leads were generated at a conversion rate of 15.22%, 7.5x better than the industry average.